Strawberry Bread
A few things on my mind this morning as I bake this lovely Pain Aux Fraises (Gateaux de 2023). Strawberry Bread!
Jamie Oliver’s bakeware is perfection. Sturdy, slippery and solid. Never, ever disappoints. I want it all.
I used frozen sliced strawberries for the recipe.
When I was a teenager we would go strawberry picking with my Aunt and Uncle in the Ottawa Valley. We would eat so many strawberries while we picked that I’m certain we stripped the rows of fruit. There may not have been any left for any other families.
The memory of this family activity is full of happiness and I still chuckle remembering my Uncle say, “We’re all going to shit through the eye of a needle tomorrow.” (Because we had each consumed a bushel of strawberries!)
He loves to laugh and appreciates good jokes.
Random observations today. Nothing cohesive. I can’t concentrate long enough to write anything decent. The glaze on this cake has me mesmerized.
I’m going to eat a slice now with a hot cup of tea.
Peace Love Create Art Gather and Cake,
Patti xo